Spring and Summer

We create decorations that we would want to see in our own homes. This inspires us to sometimes create a series that will span from year to year. Check back to see what new projects have come out of the shop and expand your collection today!

Custom Accents

Let these bright colors and happy tones keep your home feeling sunny all summer long. Whether it’s our sunflowers that are always in bloom or the ladybugs keeping an eye on you, there is something for every house. Have something special in mind? Contact us with your ideas today!

Feeling Creative?

Do you have the itch to paint your own crafts but don’t have the tools to cut the pieces you need? No worries. We can cut the pieces you need to spec so you can let your creativity sore!

Contact The Woodshop

We'd love to hear from you! Send us a message if you have questions or would like some information on something you've seen on our website.

Please allow at least one business day for us to respond.

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