What A Blast

What A Blast

January is a big month for renovation, rebuilding and repairs in the wood shop. Coming off of our busy season we take time to pull all of our machines apart and perform some much needed maintenance. During this time we also implement any upgrades to the shop that...
Carving More Than Turkey

Carving More Than Turkey

First step to getting our cherry slab into final form is to get it sized properly and then free from the bark. For this project we want to get the bark removed and get down to the bare wood underneath. To carve this out we are going to use one of our new (to us) draw...
Draw The Right Conclusions

Draw The Right Conclusions

Not every job calls for the newest or most expensive machinery you can afford for your shop. Sometimes to get the job done right you need to go old school. We’ve posted about draw knives before but we were lucky enough to add these to our collection at a recent...
Back to Basics

Back to Basics

We often are part of conversations where people ask us what tools we recommend for their home shop. Normally they are expecting us to answer with a laundry list of expensive equipment. However when I looked over at the workbench recently I noticed that it was covered...
Trouble Wormed Its Way In

Trouble Wormed Its Way In

A little trouble wormed its way into our projects recently. While cutting up some structural material we came upon this little guy. We couldn’t figure out where he borrowed in from but this was kiln dried lumber so he definitely didn’t enjoy the temp it...