Borrow Big

Borrow Big

Now and then we will have a project that requires machinery of a larger size than our shop or our budget will allow. Sometimes it’s larger counter top sized glue ups or just a huge volume of cutting boards we need done right away. This 36″ wide extreme...
New Toys

New Toys

Santa brought ES&S a new oscillating spindle sander with a horizontal belt sander attachment this year from Grizzly Industrial. Big fan. This will make quit a few of our regular production items easier to build as well as open some doors for future country crafts...
Farm To…Table?

Farm To…Table?

This beautiful sappy maple had to come down on Thursday but I just can’t let it go to firewood. I’m bartering with the owner to allow me to mill and air dry it so that I can turn it into something that can be enjoyed for years to come. What will it be?...
Osage Can You See

Osage Can You See

I was recently lucky enough to come across some Osage Orange wood in much larger quantity than I normally find it. Generally we acquire small pieces around 1.5″ square and maybe 12″-18″ long. However the log pictured above measures over 10″...
Cleans Up Nice

Cleans Up Nice

This rough cut maple was sitting in the garage for months now soaking in the sunshine through the windows and collecting all manner of dust and dirt. I needed some clean maple the other day so I brought it down to the shop and ran it through the planer. I love using...
Inside the Shop

Inside the Shop

I’m not sure what it is about changing out the paper on our Grizzly Industrial Drum Sander that pleases me to much but I really enjoy it. This machine has taken building cutting boards to a new level; allowing me to process more material in an hour than I used...