Dialing In Your Bandsaw

Dialing In Your Bandsaw

The bandsaw is one shop tool that finds its way into many homes. Not everyone will have a lathe or a planer but often the home hobbyist will have a bandsaw. Keeping that tool happy and useful is extremely important. We hear a lot of stories about people who are...
Plain and Simple Pine

Plain and Simple Pine

Not every project calls for the finest grade of important blood wood or figured black walnut. We recently posted an image of a table we made for a client that was solid hardwoods start to finish. There was a lot of feedback asking about cheaper or lighter solutions...
Plan to Plan

Plan to Plan

Sometimes you can take on a project and just wing it. Other times it requires a little more consideration and planning. This was the diagram we used to create a custom round picture frame out of walnut. The frame had certain requirements that had to be met which...
Management Has Expensive Tastes

Management Has Expensive Tastes

Some folks just have expensive tastes. Shop manager Benson is certainly one of them. That mid day snack is a cutoff of African Mahogany. While not the most expensive species that we use in the shop it is definitely among them.  African mahogany has a nice tight...
Hand Hewn History

Hand Hewn History

There are many perks to having a well appointed wood shop at our disposal. When we can’t find the furniture we’re looking for we just build it. When something breaks we rarely need help to fix it. In this case we got an opportunity to play with history....