Ok, That One Is Our Fault

Ok, That One Is Our Fault

So you might see a bunch of missing posts on our website going back for about a month or so. That is our fault. We had a website issue and to restore from a backup from last month. Instead of putting all of the posts back you can check them out on the ES&S...
Finishing Strong

Finishing Strong

We got a few questions recently about which finish we were putting on some of the furniture restorations coming out of the shop. I am a big fan of General Finishes Arm R Seal. They have a wide selection of products and even within the realm of top coats that have a...
All The Feels

All The Feels

Visiting my sisters house over the weekend and her puppy Kacey seemed so sad when we had to leave. She is 50lbs of pure never ending energy and I am jealous. The woodshop has us running around like crazy with all sorts of projects. Currently we have three restorations...
New Year New Ideas

New Year New Ideas

February is underway and with it the shop is turning out new ideas and products daily. We are busy prototyping the next round of country crafts for Easter and Spring and building out custom projects that will be for sale shortly. In other news we are also working on a...
Shop Days

Shop Days

After a long day in the shop Benson earns himself some much needed R&R. We’ve had the wood shop torn apart since the holidays as we rebuild and repair our machines as well as make some much needed improvements. We are in the home stretch and will soon be...
Holiday Discounts Are Here!

Holiday Discounts Are Here!

Keep watching our Facebook page for last minute Holiday Sales! We will be posting throughout the day on the 20th and 21st offering one of a kind gifts at discounted prices. Each will be on a first come first serve basis. Don’t hesitate to get your loved ones a...