Garden Tools Are Coming!

Garden Tools Are Coming!

We will have a whole series of lathe turned handles for garden tools for sale at the Arts Barn Festival on the 25th of Sept. Most of the handles will be turned from pine, cherry, maple and walnut. However, we will have some specialty glue ups as well as a few Celtic...
Final Steps – Oil Application

Final Steps – Oil Application

When a cutting board has been finish sanded for the final time and wiped free of any dust it is then ready to be coated in a generous amount of food safe mineral oil. This oil permeates deep into the fibers of the wood and allows it to remain presentable while still...
Osage Can You See

Osage Can You See

I was recently lucky enough to come across some Osage Orange wood in much larger quantity than I normally find it. Generally we acquire small pieces around 1.5″ square and maybe 12″-18″ long. However the log pictured above measures over 10″...
Cleans Up Nice

Cleans Up Nice

This rough cut maple was sitting in the garage for months now soaking in the sunshine through the windows and collecting all manner of dust and dirt. I needed some clean maple the other day so I brought it down to the shop and ran it through the planer. I love using...