Diamonds for Christmas?

Diamonds for Christmas?

We’re playing with some new designs for cutting boards debuting at the Christmas show in Leesport. This diamond design is a favorite. Our current inventory is selling as fast as we can produce it. Don’t wait until December to contact us with your gift...
Generations of Craftsman Quality

Generations of Craftsman Quality

Recently we were involved in rebuilding an outdoor staircase. During the project it became clear that things would go more smoothly with several drills. Now of course we own modern cordless tools that we use regularly. There is something to be said for the consistent...
The Snow Is Coming

The Snow Is Coming

Today’s weather might not feel like snow but we’re seeing everywhere in the wood shop! These blanks are being cut in preparation for our new winter crafts that will be available soon. They are far from done but we like to get a jump on the winter rush....
Candy Corn For October

Candy Corn For October

We had a great time at the Leesport Harvest Craft fair last weekend. Lots of great food combined with being able to meet so many of you that follow us online was really enjoyable. We are looking forward to coming back for the Christmas Craft Fair on November 25th and...
What Are You Doing Tomorrow?

What Are You Doing Tomorrow?

Tomorrow and Sunday ES&S will be at the Leesport Harvest Craft Fair. Why should you come down and say “hi” you might ask? Well we offer a LOT of options for great Christmas gifts. No matter what your price point is we have something that will work....
Christmas Shopping Starts Now!

Christmas Shopping Starts Now!

Are you ready to get started on your Christmas shopping? Stop down at the Leesport Harvest Craft Fair this Sat and Sun from 9-3. Check out over 500 vendors and see what ES&S Woodworking has on display. On a person note; check out the pretzel stand. They are...