Benson’s Shop

Benson’s Shop

Spending a little quality time with shop manager Benson. He stops in periodically for belly rubs and to review any new scrap wood we might have added to his bins. Any scrap he deems unfit for him to enjoy goes to some good friends of ours who use it to warm their home...
Think Warm

Think Warm

It may be bitter cold outside today but warmer days are coming. Maybe not as warm as in this picture but we should at least see temps that don’t have a negative sign in them. Shop Manager Benson understand how to take advantage of break time with a quick nap...
Shop Days

Shop Days

After a long day in the shop Benson earns himself some much needed R&R. We’ve had the wood shop torn apart since the holidays as we rebuild and repair our machines as well as make some much needed improvements. We are in the home stretch and will soon be...
Benson Overseeing Progress

Benson Overseeing Progress

Shop manager Benson spent the morning helping me unload lumber. Here he is taking a break and watching a chipmunk that decided to get a little too close to his woodpile. What are you doing on this beautiful Friday? Keep an eye out tonight for a sneak preview of some...
Benson Gives Final Inspection

Benson Gives Final Inspection

Last post of the cedar chest restoration now that it is completed and delivered. Benson gives it a close inspection to make sure it is up to his standards. He has many jobs in the wood shop such as eating scrap wood, napping on the anti fatigue mats and licking the...