Table Restoration Starts With Repairs

A proper table restoration starts with a thorough review of the base material. We go over every inch of what we are given to determine if we need to make any structural changes first. In this case, a large split had formed in one of the pedestal legs. The crack formed on the original glue line from the factory but did not go all of the way through.

We briefly considered breaking the piece off entirely. This would allow us to get excellent glue coverage to fasten in back on. The downside to that is you cannot predict how the wood will crack. It might end up causing more trouble than its worth.

In the end, I decided to use Titebond III wood glue and force it into the void with a push stick and then clamp it securely closed. The glue spent the night curing even though it only really needs an hour. After pulling the clamps off the end result is beautiful and secure. Keep an eye out for updates on this table restoration over the next few weeks!