Scrap Wood Or Art

Sometimes scrap wood ends up going into one of our burn boxes. Other times it becomes a beautiful set of end grain coasters in a “chaos” pattern. The intricate design is different each and every time we make a new set. Part of the fun of putting these together is never really knowing what the end result will be until the day we finally decide to cut them to shape.

The downside to building these is the significant time involved! The more tiny pieces we use the more time spent gluing. Don’t expect these to be an “in stock” item in our inventory anytime soon. But we will continue to build a few sets per year and will sell them on a first come first serve basis.

The scrap wood that we don’t end up using is available to anyone that might want it. Reach out to us as soon as possible and we will put you on the list of people interested. Right now we have 10-15 boxes of scrap looking for a new home. Most of it is super dry domestic hardwoods that burn extremely well!