Clean Air for a Cleaner Woodshop

JET Air Filtration

We finally got around to mounting our Air Filtration System from JET. We were pretty used to the model from a different company that we had before and this is quite an upgrade. You wouldn’t think that having three speeds would be a useful feature for normal operation. However it runs so quietly that we are able to have conversation at a normal volume without any trouble. Have an unusual amount of dust? Kick it up to its highest speed and you’ll recycle all of the air in a 20’x20′ room in under 5 minutes. Neat.

Safety can often take a back seat to convenience and speed. This is an easy problem to fix. Taking a little time to make sure you’re using proper precautions will go a long way towards you enjoying a pleasant end product. Sometimes those precautions take the form of a new tool that can help everyone in the shop at once. We’re looking forward to a cleaner and more dust free environment to build your projects.