Oak Slab For Days

oak slab

ES&S picked up some oak slab lumber from a new supplier recently. These pieces were milled right on the land the trees had grown on. Storms had caused a significant number of them to blow over and instead of just letting them decay the land owner decided to buy himself a mill and got to work. We’re glad he did because this beautiful oak will now get to live on in someone’s home for years to come. While we have to specific plans for these pieces we have a few ideas cooking. Expect to see some finished pieces in the coming weeks as we gear up for the summer show season.

As our wood shop has grown we pretty regularly get offered wood from new or unusual sources. Often it is from people wanting to clean out what they have been storing. We appreciate people considering us. We generally will try to make you something out of it and return it to you to enjoy. If you think you might have something we would want please contact us right away. Our interests are in pretty much anything from finished furniture pieces all the way to logs from the trees in your yard.