Name Brand Performance

name brand drill master router

Not every tool in your workshop needs to be the top of the line name brand option. If you aren’t going to be using it heavily and it’s just for basic home use then you should consider a semi-off brand. Harbor Freight is an excellent source for this tier of tool. For the average home user anything they sell is perfectly fine. This trim router was purchased at Harbor Freight a few years ago and it serves us well. Smaller than a normal router and perfect for small jobs that require hand held precision.

Why are we posting about this tool? Because a lot of people avoid getting into woodworking because they think outfitting a wood shop is prohibitively expensive. It doesn’t have to be. You absolutely do NOT need to spend thousands of dollars to make beautiful wood projects. This router runs $30.00 and you can use a 20% coupon on top of that. I’ve run it across a few hundred board feet of hardwood since buying it and its worked great for every inch. Could I justify buying the $140 professional grade version from a major manufacturer? Sure. But why would I when this is getting the job done for a fraction of the cost. And if if were to break today I’d buy another $30 one in a heartbeat.

Check out the Trim Router