Sanding Made Easy

sanding dust dewalt

Sanding is one of those tasks that you either love or hate. I really enjoy it. Its satisfying to see the piece change and take shape as you progress through the grit. A workhorse of the ES&S shop is this little DeWalt* quarter sheet sander. Every home should have on of these. You can run it for hours on end with no overheating or worry about burning out the motor. The maple pictured here was sanded to 220 grit** with this unit and it came out perfectly. They are great for sanding molding, refinishing furniture, etc. This specific sander is no longer made but DeWalt came out with a new version you can read about in The Shop section of our website.

* We are in no way affiliated with DeWalt, but we’d love to be! So if you work for them call us anytime haha. In the meantime, we just enjoy that little guy a lot and wanted to share a pic of that beautiful maple..

** You should always wear a mask when you’re sanding large areas. We’ve been using the RZR Masks from