Dust Is The Enemy

dust air filter

New toy day in the shop is always an exciting time for wood nerds. Dust is a killer for us. Sometimes it’s coming to rest on freshly painted projects. Other times it’s in your eyes when you’re running a machine. It is a constant battle to the bitter end to try and remove as much dust as you possibly can. This new air filtration system from JET should help give us an edge. It can filter all of the air in a 20′ x 20′ room in LESS THAN FIVE MINUTES!      *Insert Tim Allen grunt noise here*

Your home shop might not feel like its needs something like this. You may think that running your shop vac with your tools or your dust collector is handling enough. But a properly working and cared for air filtration system designed to survive in a wood shop is a life saver. I can’t wait to get this installed to replace our older unit currently in use.