Simple pleasures…like new bits

router bit simple pleasure

There are a lot of simple pleasures in life that may go overlooked. Putting the first knife into a brand new jar of peanut butter comes to mind. Opening an Amazon box to realize they packed it with real bubble wrap. Hearing a fantastic new pun maybe. For me I absolutely love new blade/bit day. When you’ve been running board after board through a machine and everything seems fine but then you put a new blade on and boom; your whole day is better. The cut is smoother, the finish is finer…frankly it changes the whole project. The simple pleasures in life.

Depending on your project it may not be necessary to buy the most expensive blade or bit on the market. However all too often we see people spend all kinds of money on tools they don’t really need. Then they put the cheapest blade they can find on it and wonder why their finished products aren’t coming out well. Try spending a little less on the tool and a little more on the part coming in contact with the wood. A $30 router bit may seem expensive for the home user but when you compare the fit and finish to the $11 bit you will understand where the money went. Treat yourself to quality bits and blades and even an old or “cheap” tool can surprise you. Big Box stores offer some excellent options for the home user.