Shop Safety Gear

Shop safety is very important. We all learned the basics in middle school shop class and those lessons carry over to today. I doubt you’ll ever see me running a machine without my safety glasses and ear protection. The glasses I have on here have a slight tint to them which can be helpful if you have a lot of bright lighting in your work area. The ear protection I like best is used in conjunction with a plastic piece that runs under my chin. When I don’t need them I just pop them out and it rests around my neck like a doctors stethoscope. Depending on what I’m doing I may also be wearing my RZ Dust mask. These are pretty inexpensive, have replaceable active carbon filters and come in a bunch of colors. 

You can’t be too careful. If you are ever working on a project of any kind and think to yourself “I wonder if I should be wearing safety gear for this?” the answer is already yes.