Coated for Comfort

The four exotic imported woods you see in this picture appear to be covered in dust and dirt. Technically they are. However the dust is actually just sticking to a thin coating of wax that covers all sides of the wood. When the source trees are cut down overseas the wood is milled into a final shape before being packed onto cargo ships for the journey across the oceans. While they are being packed up they get coated in wax. If it weren’t for this wax coating the wood would spend it’s ocean voyage being ruined by the salt air and high moisture content and be absolutely unusable when it docked on American shores. When we receive the wood we clean it throughly and let it air dry to acclimate to the woodshop humidity for a few weeks before turning it into the final products for your homes! 

Pictured are #olive wood, #padauk, #palm and #tamarind.